Pola Komunikasi Interpersonal Guru dan Murid dalam Pembinaan Akhlak di SMP Plus Nurul Hikmah Pamekasan
Interpersonal Communication, Teachers and Students, MoralsAbstract
Interpersonal communication in schools that is established between teacher and student is one important factor in determining individual development, especially the development of morals. Each teacher, of course, has a way to educate and nurture in different ways. The purpose of this study is to describe the patterns of interpersonal communication carried out by teachers and students in fostering morals at SMP Plus Nurul Hikmah Pamekasan. The purpose of this study is to describe the patterns of interpersonal communication carried out by teachers to students in moral development in Nurul Hikmah Pamekasan Middle School and describe the relationship between teachers and students after the application of interpersonal communication patterns in SMP Plus Nurul Hikmah Pamekasan. This study uses a qualitative approach to the type of case study descriptive research. Data sources obtained through interviews and observations with teacher and student informants. While checking the validity of the data is done through the perseverance of researchers and triangulation. The results of research conducted at SMP Plus Nurul Hikmah Pamekasan show that interpersonal communication between teacher and student in the process of moral formation goes quite well. This is evidenced in terms of the communication approach that is carried out by motivating and fostering students to become people of moral mercy. The relationship that exists between teacher and student can be felt after the application of interpersonal communication patterns. This is evidenced by the closeness between the teacher (communicator) and students (communicant) after communication between the two parties occurs, there is a problem resolution and a change in attitude to students. While the changes felt by students after the application of interpersonal communication is done, there is a fear of making mistakes and changing attitudes to be better than before. So that the interpersonal communication patterns of teachers and students in moral development in SMP Plus Nurul Hikmah Pamekasan are declared successful.