Perlawanan Ahli Hadis terhadap Gerakan Radikalisme dalam Konstruksi Media Online
Hadith Experts’ Resistance, Radical Movement, Online MediaAbstract
Resistance to radicalism which is allegedly endemic on campuses has been carried out by many elements. One of which was carried out by Imam Syafi’i Islamic Academy (STDI) Jember and the Indonesian Hadith Science Asso-ciation (ASILHA) by holding an International Seminar on the Role of Classi-cal and Contemporary Hadith Experts in Combating Radicalism which news and opinions were massively constructed by various online media. This study attempted to answer the questions about the construction of online media reality in narrating the resistance of STDI Imam Syafii Jember to-wards the dangers of radicalism in Indonesia and the world. Through de-scriptive qualitative study with Halliday's model discourse analysis, this study was conducted by critical observation of online media news text of As a result, STDI Imam Syafii ember recommended that radicalism is a form of extreme and exaggeration in religious matters that must be resisted. Meanwhile, adhering to the teachings of Islam, choosing a straight-moderate method, and carrying out the Shari'a of Allah comprehen-sively, are not categorized as a form of radicalism.